Is it Time to Replace My Furnace?

You may not use your heating in Scottsdale Arizona as often as some people in colder climates do, but that doesn’t mean your furnace won’t wear out eventually. Sometimes, because our furnaces get so little use, it can be hard to tell when something is wrong or when they might need to be replaced. Here are a few things to consider: How old is your furnace? A furnace has a typical lifespan of around 15 years depending on the original quality and how well it was maintained. A furnace that isn’t properly maintained through the years won’t likely last as long as one that is. If your furnace is approaching this range or is over it, it’s probably a good time to start thinking about replacing it. How much are your utility bills? HVAC systems decline in efficiency over their lifespan. Even if you originally purchased the most efficient furnace available, it will be much less efficient 15 years later. If you notice your utility bills climbing higher and higher each year for no apparent reason, your HVAC system is likely to blame. Furnaces are much more efficient today than they once were so you can typically expect to see...

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Easy Ways to Reduce Your Utility Bills This Winter

Conserving energy isn’t just good for the environment – it’s good for your budget! Most people don’t love having to spend money on their utility bills and would much rather put that money toward something else. Luckily, saving energy doesn’t require expensive remodeling projects or solar panels – you can save energy without spending any money at all! Here are some easy ways to save energy this winter: Use the sun to your advantage. Open blinds and curtains during peak sunlight hours, especially for windows that get direct light. The warmth from the sun will help warm your space and can help reduce the need to run your furnace. Invest in a heated blanket or mattress pad or just pile on a few extra blankets on your bed so you can turn the heat down at night. Once you are tucked warmly in your bed, fast asleep, you won’t notice a few degrees difference, but your utility bill will! Be sure windows, doors, and chimneys are sealed properly. Replace weather stripping or caulking if needed. Inflatable inserts can be placed in your chimney to help reduce the air that leaks out of it. Use your ceiling fan to your advantage....

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How To Lower Your Heating Bill

Winter comes, the season is merry and bright… until you get your winter energy bill and see how expensive it can be to keep your home at a reasonable temperature this time of year. There are some simple ways to lower your heating bill and increase the money in your pocket this holiday season: Change out worn weather-stripping for new weather stripping. Whether it’s old, has been damaged by children or pets, or is missing in certain areas of your home, make sure that every door in your home is properly sealed from the outside air. Since up to 30% of your heating bill can come from heating drafty areas, this will save you big money. Use a portable heater or heating blanket to heat the specific area of your home you are in. If you have a large home, odds are you are paying to heat a lot of space that you are not occupying very often. This will allow you to lower your thermostat and still be comfortable in whatever room you’re in. Make sure warm air is not escaping through places you might not have considered. Insulate your attic access door, for example, and make sure your...

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A Buyer’s Guide: Air Conditioning Filters

An air conditioning filter seems like a pretty straight-forward product until you get to the hardware store and see an entire aisle filled with various types. The truth is that an air conditioning filter is much more important than you may think, especially if you or your family has allergies or certain health concerns. Knowing what to look for and what you need can help your family to breathe more easily and it may help your air conditioning unit to run more efficiently. There are a few different sizes of filters available depending on your unit so make sure you know what size you need before you head to the store. Honest Air has been air conditioning Gilbert homes for many years, so if you have specific questions about what kind of filter is best for you, give us a call.   Standard filters: A standard filter is the least expensive filter you can buy and that is because it only filters large contaminants from entering your air supply. Large contaminants make up about 10% of the allergens, particles and contaminants that a filter comes in contact with. If you or your family members have breathing issues like asthma or allergies,...

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Planned Phase-out of R-22 Refrigerant in Mesa Air Conditioning Systems

As the heat rises across the Arizona desert, many news stations have been reporting on the planned phaseout of R-22 refrigerants. If you have a Gilbert air conditioning system which was manufactured before 2010, there is a chance that it uses R-22 to produce cool air. Unfortunately, it has been deemed an ozone-depleting substance and may be linked to global warming. In order to protect our environment, the United States Environmental Protection Agency has outlined a gradual reduction in the importation and production of this refrigerant. This phaseout complements the worldwide initiative established by the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone, developed in 19871. Basically, production will be (and has been) decreased by a predetermined percentage, until the year 2020, in which production will cease completely1. While manufacturers will be cutting back on production over the next eight years, supplies will still be available to Gold Canyon AC repair services for use in repairs and maintenance initiatives for customers with systems using R-22, also known as HCFC-22. This means that there should not be any direct affect for consumers for many years. Be sure to keep in mind that the laws of supply and demand may ultimately lead...

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Choosing an Air Purifier

When it comes to your home, you expect that you are providing your family with a healthy and safe environment. What you may not realize is that as many as 72 trillion airborne particles enter your home each day. These particles, some as small as .1 microns in size, include things such as allergens, dust, viruses, and bacteria which can be harmful to your health—especially to those with asthma or allergies. Already this spring is shaping up to be the worst allergy season on record2, and those susceptible to allergies are already feeling discomfort. Air purifiers are a great way to clear the air in your home of irritating contaminants, but choosing a system can be especially difficult. Your reliable Tempe air conditioning company can help you get a better understanding of what to look for. Testing procedures and rating systems have been developed to help users understand the ability of an air purifier/filter to remove particles from the air. Two such methods are the MERV and the CADR. The Minimum Efficiency Rating Value (MERV) focuses solely on the efficiency of the filter of the purifier and its ability to remove particles of varying sizes. Based on testing results, a...

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Fixing Common AC Problems with Mesa AC Repair

Spring has officially arrived, and the weather will only continue to grow warmer over the next few months. This means that you will begin to depend on your Tempe air conditioning unit to keep your home or workplace at a comfortable temperature. This early in the year, your system may not have gotten much use since the previous cooling season. As a result of this stagnant state, it is not uncommon to experience problems. If your system is not operating at its best, these are some potential causes. Clogged air filter: Is your system working extra hard to cool your home to the desired temperature? Over time, your unit’s air filter can accumulate dirt and dust, causing your system to operate less than optimally. Energy Star® recommends checking your filter each month and changing it when necessary, every three months at the most1. Low refrigerant levels/refrigerant leaks: Each unit is manufactured with exact specifications for refrigerant charge. If your system is not fully charged, it will not operate efficiently. In addition, refrigerant leaks can also cause problems. An Honest Air technician can check for leaks and properly charge your unit to its full potential. Drainage problems: Your unit may also...

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Relieve Allergy Symptoms with a Whole Home Air Cleaner

While you may be enjoying the warmer temperatures this winter, you may not have expected that they would cause allergy season to come early. News outlets across the nation are reporting about the increase in reported cases of severe allergy symptoms, which usually do not come until spring. Unfortunately, the warm temperatures and lack of precipitation have allowed for an early rise in pollen counts, leaving many with sneezing, itchy throats, and watery eyes. While your first thoughts of relief may bring to mind a doctor’s office, you may be able to find relief from your Tempe heating and cooling technician. When you are in your home, you should experience optimal comfort. Unfortunately, the air in your home is often 2-5 times dirtier than air outside1, because it becomes trapped and constantly recirculated through the air vents. Mesa HVAC companies offering indoor air quality services can help you assess your individual situation and provide you with the solution that is the right fit for your needs. Air cleaners and air purifiers are solutions which can remove pollutants and allergens from the air, through a filter. Whole home units attach to your heating or air conditioning unit to circulate clean air...

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Heating and Air Conditioning Maintenance Mesa

Despite the mild winter weather of Arizona, now is a good idea to have an HVAC company perform regular maintenance on your equipment. This maintenance is vital in ensuring proper functionality and to prevent the inconvenience of having a system malfunction. While you expect your air conditioning unit to always work correctly, there are precautions you can take to help ensure it. The regular maintenance of your unit can not only prevent the costs of service calls, but can also extend the overall life of your equipment. With spring just around the corner, many consumers find it a good time to have their systems cleaned and inspected by a trusted service provider. Whether you are calling about the unit in your business or personal residence, and have indoor or outdoor equipment, a Mesa heating technician can ensure that your system is working properly and check for any damage which could ultimately affect its functionality. Unfortunately, many consumers ignore this suggestion, which can have costly and even dangerous repercussions. As a result of skipping preventative maintenance, consumers may experience more expensive energy bills, equipment failure, and even fire. If your Tempe air conditioning system is having trouble cooling your home to...

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