An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. As a homeowner or business proprietor, you don’t have a landlord to call upon if things go awry. When it comes to proper temperature control in your home or office, it’s imperative that you keep on top of the maintenance.

The conscientious technicians here at Honest Air Conditioning are prepared to help you work smarter instead of harder. It’s our goal to assist you in becoming more efficient in the area of proper HVAC upkeep. With the new year ahead, now’s the time to create your year-long HVAC checklist to keep you on track.

Suggested HVAC Checklist

As you sit down to prepare your checklist, it can be easy to overlook important components. If you’re not sure where to begin, here are some valuable suggestions to get you started:

  • Change air filters once every quarter.
  • Adjust thermostat settings as the seasons change.
  • Enlist HVAC professionals for fall heater maintenance.
  • Replace batteries in carbon monoxide detectors in the fall.
  • Visually inspect outdoor units to ensure they are free of debris. If they’re dirty, clean them with a microfiber cloth.
  • Enlist HVAC professionals in spring to inspect and service cooling units.

These maintenance items are imperative for proper HVAC functioning. Perhaps the most important point is to listen to and implement the suggestions made by your HVAC service provider during your fall and spring inspections. You should also keep in mind that these are busy periods for HVAC companies, so it’s best to schedule your periodic maintenance at least two months in advance.

Responsible Maintenance Makes a Major Difference

With so many benefits of having your HVAC unit maintained, it’s easy to understand how the minimal investment in proper upkeep of your system can save money and time in the long run.

The staff at Honest Air Conditioning is on your side. We have the tools and knowledge to serve as your guide in keeping up with your HVAC checklist. When it’s time to have your system professionally inspected, we’ll be there, and if anything requires special attention, we’ll remedy the situation. We serve the entire Greater Mesa area, so call us today.