This holiday season, your HVAC system will play a crucial role in helping to keep your family indoors, comfortable, and safe. By coincidence, the holiday season happens to coincide with the adversely low temperatures of winter. To prepare for the season, we strongly recommend you consider the following tips to keep your HVAC system functioning correctly.
Replace Your Furnace Filters
When celebrating indoors with your family this holiday season, the worst thing that can happen is having some foul air coming in to spoil the party. This will be the case if you haven’t replaced your furnace filters for a long time. The punishing and varied conditions of summer may have had your furnace filter clogged with tiny particles of dust. Replacing the filter before the holiday season kicks off ensures that you’ll get a fresh supply of air.
Consider Sealing Your House
Our experts greatly recommend checking your house once in a while to seal common cracks and outlets that may cause your HVAC system to be ineffective. Cracks, such as ventilation holes that are unaccounted for, can easily leak out the warm air that you desperately need to keep your family comfortable. Failure to do this may cause your HVAC system to consume more power, thereby raising the electricity bill this holiday.
Use a Programmable Thermostat
Nothing can be more of a nuisance than having to constantly adjust and readjust the thermostat to give your guests an optimal temperature in the house. Such a hassle can be prevented by considering using a programmable thermostat, which does a great job of automatically maintaining the preset temperature in your home. When using such a thermostat, you may want to set the temperature a little bit below the recommended level, as the many guests in your house will automatically make it even warmer.
Conduct an HVAC Systems Check
It’s always recommendable to consider conducting HVAC system maintenance before the holiday season switches into high gear. You don’t have to worry about the intricate details of how such a systems check is done, as our experts at Honest Air Conditioning will do it all on your behalf. Our professionals are well experienced in the provision of full-fledged HVAC installation, maintenance, and repair services in the Mesa, AZ, area and its surrounding neighborhoods. Contact us today and get your HVAC system inspected.