Do I Need a Heat Pump in Mesa, AZ?

If you own a home here in Mesa, AZ, there’s a good chance you’re interested in having the most efficient HVAC system possible. They can both heat and cool your home, eliminating the need for a separate furnace and air conditioner. If you’ve gone looking for one, there’s no doubt you’ve come across heat pumps. However, heat pumps are often misunderstood, and plenty of misinformation about them is circulating online. That can lead you to question whether or not a heat pump is a good HVAC solution for your Mesa home. So, here’s everything you need to know about heat pumps to make a well-informed decision on whether or not to buy one as your home’s next HVAC solution. What Is a Heat Pump? Although it may seem like heat pumps recently appeared out of nowhere, they’re far from new. Heat pumps date back to the mid-1850s and have served various buildings and homes’ heating and cooling needs since then. Of course, they didn’t gain much traction among American homeowners until the energy crisis in the 1970s made HVAC energy efficiency a priority for most people. The problem was that heat pump technology wasn’t yet sufficiently advanced to make heat...

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Gas vs. Electric Furnaces: Which is Better for Your Home?

When it comes to heating your home in Mesa, AZ, you have two main options for furnaces: gas or electric. With over half of U.S. homes using natural gas for heating, it is the most prevalent option. However, recent trends show electric HVAC systems are gaining popularity. So which is the better choice for heating your home? The purpose of this guide is to compare gas and electric furnaces across several factors to determine which one might be right for your home. We’ll look at how each system works, efficiency ratings, installation and operating costs, maintenance requirements, environmental impact, and effects on home resale. How Gas Furnaces Work The key components of a gas furnace include the burner, heat exchanger, blower motor, flue, and thermostat. The burner ignites the gas, and the heat exchanger transfers the flame’s heat without allowing combustion byproducts into the air ducts. The blower motor circulates warm air through the home’s ductwork, and the flue vents out the exhaust gases. How Electric Furnaces Work Electric furnaces operate by using electricity to heat and distribute air. The key components of an electric furnace include electric heating elements, a blower motor and fan, a thermostat, an integrated circuit...

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Methods for Preparing Your HVAC System for Colder Temperatures

As the temperature outside starts to drop in the Mesa, AZ area, it’s time to prepare your HVAC system. Every homeowner wants to avoid their heating system malfunctioning when the temperatures outside are chilly. Preventive maintenance and routine service in the late summer to early fall can ensure your HVAC equipment is running efficiently and smoothly all winter long. Scheduling Routine Maintenance While there are a few maintenance tasks that you can take care of on your own (like changing out your furnace filter), you’ll want to bring in the professionals once per year for a routine service appointment. An experienced technician will inspect all the various components of your HVAC system, determining if there’s anything that needs to be cleaned, repaired or replaced. A lot of wear and tear on your HVAC system takes place from one year to the next. Very minor issues can arise, eventually leading to major problems. It’s important that a professional can spot these issues and fix them before they lead to a catastrophic breakdown that is expensive and time-consuming. Not to mention, properly maintained heating equipment tends to run more efficiently, saving you money on your monthly utility bills. You may get more...

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7 Summer HVAC Tips to Stay Cool and Save Money

As summer temperatures rise, maintaining a cooler home becomes a necessity. Consider some of these summer HVAC tips from the pros at to help you stay cool and save money. 1. Prioritize an Air Filter Change For air to flow efficiently throughout your home, it’s important to replace your AC’s air filter regularly. Professionals recommend changing the air filter once every three months, while others recommend changing the air filter as often as once a month. The more often you change the filter, the better the air flows. When the air filters trap excessive dirt, allergens, and contaminants, it’s harder for the HVAC unit to pump air throughout the home. The filter is meant to collect dirt so that it doesn’t float through the air and compromise the indoor air quality. However, without proper cleaning or replacement, the filter isn’t as efficient. When the HVAC unit works harder to pump clean air through the system, this increases the energy bill at the end of the billing cycle. Keep costs as low as possible as you maintain a better quality of air by changing the air filter on a designated schedule. 2. Get a Professional Inspection While some home improvement projects...

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Staying Cool When It’s Extremely Hot

The summer of 2021 was brutally hot in many places. In 2022, it wasn’t much better. Temperatures regularly rose over 100F (38 C) in many places where such temperatures were unheard-of. Climate control is essential in these situations. Indeed, that kind of heat can be life-threatening for many folks, including seniors, those with underlying medical conditions that are susceptible to the vagaries of heat, or even just individuals who experience heat stroke. There are several ways that you can “beat the heat” even during extreme heat. At , we can help you stay cool even during the worst heat waves. Read on to find out more. Central Air Upkeep Central air conditioners need love too. You should have yours checked at least every two years if not every year. In Mesa, Arizona, where we all experience powerful heat every summer, we can provide you with exemplary service that will keep your central air purring contentedly. We give free estimates on such upkeep and repairs, and if you don’t happen to have the cash on hand or room on your credit card to pay for it all at once, then we offer financing options on approved credit through Wells Fargo. The...

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How to Replace Your HVAC System’s Air Filter

Your HVAC system’s air filter plays a critical role in keeping your system operating efficiently. However, filters are often neglected, which can not only reduce your system’s efficiency but also cause additional repairs and cut away your system’s service life. Use this guide to learn why it’s important to change your HVAC system’s air filter, how often to change it, how to choose the right filter, and how to complete the change, whether your filter is located in the air handler or behind the grill for a return vent. Effects of Neglected Filters Air contains a wide variety of contaminants that can clog and damage your system if they’re allowed to flow into it. Air filters pull many of these contaminants from the air as it enters the system. However, that means that they will eventually clog, restricting the airflow the system gets. The restricted airflow into your system will initially reduce your system’s heating and cooling efficiency, increasing your energy costs. Less airflow through your system also prevents the system from transferring the amount of heat it’s intended to during a normal cycle. For a traditional heating system, this means trapping heat inside the system, potentially causing it to...

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Should You Invest in a Heat Pump or Furnace?

If you’re building a new home or your existing home is due for a new heating system, there are many options on the market to choose from. Two of the most popular include a home furnace and a heat pump. Knowing the difference between the two will help you to better understand which one is best suited to fit the needs of your household. What Is a Furnace? Furnaces are the most widely used heating systems throughout the entire United States. A furnace can run on electricity, natural gas, oil, or propane. An electric furnace uses electricity to heat up a coil inside of the unit. Then, its blower motor will force air over the heating element to be warmed. Next, your ducting will deliver all that warm air throughout the various rooms of your home. If you want a furnace that is powered by natural gas, oil, or propane, it works via the combustion process. The actual fuel itself will be ignited by an internal system igniter. This combustion process creates heat which is forced through the ductwork in your home to deliver warm air to all of the different rooms. What Is a Heat Pump? A heat pump...

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Possible Reasons Your Heat Pump Won’t Turn On

In hot, dry climates like Arizona, heat pumps are by far the most effective and energy-efficient way of cooling and heating your home. As with any other type of HVAC unit, a heat pump can potentially suffer from a variety of different issues that can affect how well it works or potentially cause it to not run at all. If you can’t get your heat pump to turn on, here are some common reasons this happens and how they can be fixed. Thermostat Issues If your heat pump won’t turn on when needed, the first thing you’ll want to do is check your thermostat. Make sure that you have the thermostat set to heat or cool and that the temperature is set to where it should be. You’ll also want to make sure that the thermostat isn’t showing a low battery alert. If the batteries are completely dead, nothing will show up on the thermostat display. The display will usually still work if the batteries are low, but they may still not have enough power to enable the thermostat to send the signal for the heat pump to turn on. If the thermostat is set correctly and the heat pump...

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HVAC Replacement: When Is It Appropriate?

If you live in a climate with frigid winters and humid summers, then you know an HVAC system is necessary. But how should you decide when to replace your HVAC unit? There are some factors at play such as the condition of your current HVAC unit, the age of your HVAC unit, and the environmental needs of your home. Due to wear and tear, existing systems will require replacing at some point in the future, but there is no reason to replace a system before it needs to be replaced. When your air conditioning unit or furnace breaks down more than it should, it is likely time for a replacement. There is no hard and fast rule for when a unit should be replaced. 1. Your HVAC System Is Old If you have had your system for more than ten years, then there is a good chance that it is no longer working at its best. The lifespan of an HVAC unit can vary depending on the unit type, but it typically lasts around 10-12 years. Technology keeps advancing, and equipment is now more reliable than just a few years ago. A system that is 10+ years old may not...

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Will a Smart Thermostat Save You Money?

Have you entertained the thought of purchasing a smart thermostat but can’t convince yourself to make the switch? Smart technology not only adds unique features to your house, but it may also help you save money and energy. According to the EPA, adopting a smart thermostat can save you around $150 annually. Smart thermostats are alternatives to traditional thermostats, providing a high-tech improvement to your HVAC system without sacrificing its functions. Most smart thermostats include a control unit connected to your heater and a wireless or wired thermostat installed in the center of your home. Many necessitate a hub linked to your router for phone or online-based functions. Smart thermostats are available from various manufacturers in a variety of designs, sizes, costs, and capabilities. What Does a Smart Thermostat Do? Although smart thermostat features vary by manufacturer or model, many allow you to remotely control your heating and air, boiler, and hot water system from your phone app. Unlike a manual thermostat that must be programmed from the display, smart thermostats make it convenient to use a phone app and devices such as Google’s Assistant smart speakers or Amazon’s Alexa to set your timings, change temperatures, and turn your heating...

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