Are you noticing higher energy bills for your home? You might have an overworked air conditioning system. When the AC unit has to work harder, it puts a strain on parts and increases your utility bills. Read on to learn more about some signs that you may have an overworked air conditioner.
High Energy Bills
High energy bills are one of the top indicators for an overworked air conditioning system. When the unit is straining to cool down your home, you’ll see a rise in energy consumption. If you want to decrease the cost of your energy bills in Mesa, reach out to Honest Air Conditioning. We can conduct an energy audit for your home.
Frequent Repairs
If you have to call a repair company on a regular basis, your system may be overworked. With constant usage, some parts can quickly wear out or break down. You’re adding stress to the entire unit and shortening the lifespan of your air conditioner.
Short Cycles
Air conditioners are designed to run on a regular schedule. If your system is operating on a short cycle, you may be damaging your unit. This means that your system is turning on and off at short intervals. Frequent starts can add more stress to the components, including the compressor. When the system starts up, it requires a lot of electricity to operate it.
Those frequent bursts of electricity can also cause the parts to burn out. This action will make your system consume more energy. If your system is short cycling, you need to call a repair company to check the whole unit.
At Honest Air Conditioning, we strive to make sure every customer is satisfied with our work in Mesa, Arizona. Our company can handle all your heating and cooling needs. We can install, repair, and maintain your home comfort systems. You can trust our team of professionally trained technicians to handle all your issues, so give us a call today.